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How translations can be processed faster with COTI Level 3

Posted on: August 1st, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

In the fast-paced world of the translation and localisation industry, efficiency is the key to success. One solution that can play an important role in delivering this efficiency is the Common Translation Interface (COTI) standard, particularly in its highly developed form – COTI Level 3. But what exactly does this standard entail and how can it speed up translation processes?

What is the COTI standard?

The Common Translation Interface (COTI) standard was developed specifically for the translation and localisation industry to improve interoperability between different software tools and systems. The COTI standard defines a manufacturer-independent format for exchanging data between translation memory systems (TMS) and editorial systems, such as content management systems (CMS) and other tools used in the industry.

Higher COTI level, more automation

COTI levels build on each other and offer varying degrees of integration and automation:

  • Level 1 – core features: Translation data is saved in a defined structure, compressed as a ZIP file with the extension .coti and enhanced with meta information. The data is transferred manually, but the meta information and fixed structure make it easy for the receiving system to interpret the packets.
  • Level 2 – extended features: At this level, the transfer of COTI data packets becomes automated. The editorial system generates a package that is automatically recognised and imported by a TMS as soon as it is placed in a shared transfer folder (hotfolder) that is constantly monitored. Meta information enables the receiving system to create an automated order system, for example.
  • Level 3 – expert features: The highest level of integration offers fully automated data transfer between the systems. This removes the need to create or monitor packages manually. Instead, translation data and meta information is transferred via an API between the editing system and the TMS. Not only translation data, but also status information such as translation progress can be transmitted.


Diagram of the COTI workflow between customer and language service provider. On the left is "Customer" with the items CMS, PIM and ERP, on the right is "Language service provider" with the items Translation, Terminology and Review. In the centre, a double arrow shows the data transfer from COTI level 1 to 3.

Benefits of full automation with COTI Level 3

The implementation of COTI Level 3 brings with it several benefits that can dramatically improve the translation process:

  • Fast data transfer: Thanks to the fully automated API, translation data is transferred seamlessly between systems without any delay.
  • Increased efficiency: Large and complex translation projects can be processed more efficiently, since the workflow no longer has to include any manual steps.
  • Round-the-clock operation: Automation facilitates continuous operation without human intervention, resulting in round-the-clock availability of translation data.
  • Security: By eliminating manual steps, the risk of human error is minimised, which in turn ensures data transfer is more secure.
  • Time and cost savings: Full automation leads to significant time savings, while also reducing the operational effort and costs involved in translation projects.


The introduction of COTI Level 3 signalled a major advancement in the translation industry; one which not only increases efficiency, but also improves the quality and reliability of translation processes. Through seamless integration and automated data transfer, companies are able to expand their global reach while also saving time and resources.

The following editorial systems can currently use COTI packages of various levels:

    • TIM – Fischer
    • AEM – Adobe
    • and much more besides


With our translation memory system STAR Transit NXT; and our workflow solution STAR CLM, we provide links at all three levels – in order to transfer data efficiently, securely and quickly and to speed up translation processes.

We process your COTI packages automatically using STAR CLM! 

Contact us for tailored advice

Our ISMS passed the surveillance audit in accordance with ISO 27001

Posted on: July 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

We are pleased to announce that we have passed the ISO 27001 surveillance audit for our information security management system without any discrepancies! What does this mean? It means that accredited certification body “PÜG Prüf- und Überwachungsgesellschaft mbH” has once again verified that our management system conforms with the requirements of the ISO standard and has confirmed the quality of the measures we have taken.

Data security is our top priority – we have the risks firmly under control

In today’s world, where information is of such immense value, it is vital that sensitive data is protected. It is our responsibility to protect the information that our customers entrust us with. Situations in which there is a threat to erase or misuse data can, in extreme cases, endanger the economic success of a company and its clients.

Our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, extensive technical measures and regular awareness training sessions on information security guarantee that customer data is suitably protected at all times – from the moment it is transmitted to us until the moment the translations are delivered. We have identified the risks and routinely consider all security requirements in our day-to-day project work.

Our working relationship with our customers often sees us processing sensitive data, such as financial information or documents containing personal data. We assign this kind of information to a corresponding protection requirement class, which then determines which protective measures are applied for subsequent processing. For instance, certain encryption procedures may be used for data exchange, access to the data may be severely restricted to a limited group of people, or the translation may even be carried out in an encapsulated, secure IT environment to which only the translator and the project manager have access. There are many ways in which we can adapt to your specific data protection requirements – we will be happy to advise you in detail.

STAR Deutschland GmbH ISMS infographic.

What is the standard ISO 27001 for?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard that defines the requirements for introducing, operating and developing an information security management system. It specifies that certified companies must apply the ISMS principles of confidentiality, availability and integrity by means of technical and organisational measures to ensure that data is adequately protected and the availability of IT systems is guaranteed.


To see our certificate as a PDF, click the link below.
Download ISMS certificate

More information about our quality management system
Quality & information security


STAR at the EAMT Conference

Posted on: June 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

From 24th to 27th June 2024, the University of Sheffield in the UK will open its doors and welcome guests to the 25th EAMT Conference for a four-day event featuring a varied programme of lectures, panel discussions and workshops exploring fascinating topics such as language technologies, machine translation and artificial intelligence.

As a long-standing sponsor of the event, STAR Group will be on site with Judith Klein, Marek Sabo and Giorgio Bernardinello.

Don’t miss the inspiring presentation on “Boosting machine translation with AI-powered terminology features”.

More information

Top language service provider STAR Group – Top spot in the DACH region

Posted on: May 7th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

According to the recently published 2024 Slator and Nimdzi indices, the STAR Group is one of the top 25 language service providers in the world. In the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), STAR takes the top spot in terms of audited turnover!

STAR honoured as a “Super Agency”

The “Super Agency” award recognises STAR’s comprehensive range of language solutions and translation services. The STAR Group’s independence and its turnover of more than USD 200 million are also criteria for this important categorisation.

Slator and Nimdzi Rankings essential for top language service providers

The #Slator and #Nimdzi indices list the most important companies in the language industry around the world in the fields of translation, localisation, interpreting and language technology.

The STAR Group sets itself apart thanks to its successful business model, excellent customer relationships and unrivalled expertise – all of which is recognised in this magnificent ranking.

With two branches in Germany and over 100 employees, STAR Deutschland is a unique partner for your corporate communications.


Are you looking for a top language service provider to partner with you on your translation projects?
If so, please get in touch – we’re here to support you.

STAR recognised with award for data security in its translations

Posted on: April 25th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

CyberVadis, an independent provider which analyses and assesses cybersecurity in companies, has given STAR top marks for its cybersecurity strategies and measures!

Alongside ISO 27001 certification and the TISAX® label, the CyberVadis mark is further testament to the importance of information security at STAR and the professional implementation of the necessary measures.

By awarding us an impressive score of 966 out of a possible 1000 points and a rating of “Platinum”, CyberVadis documents the effective measures that make STAR one of the best companies in the industry in terms of data security in translations. This gives our customers the peace of mind that they are working with an expert partner who possesses a keen awareness of security.

Zertifikat - Platinum-Auszeichnung für Datensicherheit bei Übersetzungen mit 966 von 1000 möglichen Punkten

Keeping customer data secure and protected from cybercrime is top priority

The growing threat posed by cybercrime has made information security and data security a critical factor for companies. The main task of the IT Security department is to protect against attacks which could potentially cause millions of euros’ worth of damage and could also affect the assets of customers for whom STAR processes sometimes very sensitive data. A combination of awareness and technical measures at STAR makes it possible to control the risks.

Top marks in the industry thanks to efficient implementation

Dr Arnd Flügel, Information Security Manager at STAR Deutschland, is proud of this impressive result – and rightly so: “Our CyberVadis score of 966 out of a possible 1000 points is proof of our commitment to data security and risk management. This result makes us one of the best in the industry and attests to our ability to protect our data, customers and partners against cyber threats. Our IT team deserves to be praised for implementing first-rate practices and standards.”

Invitation to the SEO webinar “SEO with AI? – Content is King!”

Posted on: April 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

The perfect balance for better global reach

Multilingualism and SEO go hand in hand – when a professional is at the helm. STAR Deutschland and our colleagues from netzgefährten online marketing agency would like to invite you on a journey through the world of SEO.

Interplay between SEO and multilingualism; between AI and humans

Explore keyword and content creation strategies and learn where AI can help you. Discover the globally successful interplay between SEO and translation – between AI and humans.

Free webinar for in-depth SEO knowledge

This webinar is aimed at employees and creatives in marketing & communication, product management and sales who want to gain detailed SEO knowledge on topics such as keyword research and analysis and content creation. Join in for free!

Date: 23rd April 2024, 3 pm–4 pm CET

We’ll send you a webinar link shortly before we go live.
Register today:

We hope to see you there!  

Translation processes with large language models and AI – Webinar

Posted on: March 11th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

Large language models (LLMs) could prove to be valuable assets for linguists in the context of language processes.
But what exactly are the advantages of this technology?

Our MT expert Julian Hamm will address this and other important questions in the context of the “LLM Use Cases in Language Services” TechTalk by lingo systems and provide insights into the world of language technologies and CAT tool development.
Curious to learn more?

STAR and lingo systems invite you to a free TechTalk

Secure your free ticket today and follow the discussion on 13th March from 3.00 to 4.30 pm CET. The TechTalk will be held in English.

We would be delighted to have you join us!


Navigating with AI as co-pilot – large language models in focus

Posted on: February 27th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

Few words have characterised the year 2023 as much as “AI”.
But what does this buzzword actually mean for translation and language processes? Has the time now come for the relatively new technology of neural machine translation (NMT) to take a step back, and for large language models (LLMs) to take centre stage?

Are you still typing or are you already prompting?

How does this change the way that professional translators work?
A human at the helm, AI as the co-pilot. But what exactly could this look like in day-to-day translation?
This will be the focus of our hour-long webinar.

Opportunities and challenges of large language models

Specifically, this involves the question of how these new language technologies can be used to optimise core processes in the translation industry, including quality assurancepost-editing and terminology management

In addition to discovering a strategic approach to prompt engineering , you will also, through a series of practical examples, learn how CAT tools must be set up in the future in order to optimally support language experts in their work.
Prior knowledge: Basic knowledge of CAT tools and machine translation

MT expertise from STAR

The speaker, Julian Hamm, who holds a masters in translation, has been working in the language services since 2018. In his role as Machine Translation Consultant at STAR Deutschland GmbH, he coordinates the implementation of MT-based workflows and delivers expert advise, both within STAR and to external clients, on the exciting topics of MT and language technologies.

Humans at the helm, AI as the co-pilot – curious to see what the future holds? Book your place for the tekom webinar under Veranstaltungen ( and get on board on 14th March 2024 at 4.30 p.m. (CET). Please note that this webinar will be held in German only.

See you there! – Sign up today!




The bee’s knees | vachement bien – quirky expressions from France

Posted on: January 30th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

You can tell how diverse a language is just by looking at the breadth of its idioms. These turns of phrase vividly describe emotions or situations, often through associations with the animal world. It’s no wonder animals feature so heavily in idioms, given that man and beast have been living side by side for thousands of years. However, the same attributes aren’t always associated with the same animals in every culture. Furthermore, the natural habitats of animals are dependent on specific aspects, such as climate, altitude, etc., meaning our different living conditions or customs have given rise to different idioms throughout history.

Idioms from the animal kingdom – literal translation is rarely the answer

In this post, we shine a light on some animal-based idioms from the French language, and explore their meaning in English. As you will see, the English equivalents often make either no reference to fauna or contain completely different animal associations.

The language of animals… let’s start with cows

  • On n’a pas gardé les vaches ensemble
    (literally: we have not herded cows together.)
    This describes when someone is overly familiar.
  • Chacun son métier et les vaches seront bien gardées
    (literally: if everyone does their job, the cows will be well tended.)
    This essentially means ‘stick to what you know’.
  • Il pleut comme vache qui pisse
    (literally: it’s raining like a cow that is urinating.)
    In English, we famously (and perhaps inexplicably) describe such a downpour as raining cats and dogs.
  • Manger de la vache enragée
    (literally: eat a mad cow)
    This describes the sense of desperation when someone has fallen on hard times.

Our canine friends also feature highly in the language too

  • Arriver comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles
    (literally: arrive like a dog at a game of skittles)
    This describes an unwelcome presence, such as a fly in the ointment
  • Entre chien et loup
    (literally: between dog and wolf)
    This expression describes the witching hour
  • Avoir du chien
    (literally: to have dog)
    In English, we turn not to animals, but to French, describing someone as having a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’.
  • Nom d’un chien !
    (literally: name of a dog!)
    This means: for heaven’s sake!

Wolf idioms

  • Être connu comme le loup blanc
    (literally: as famous as the white wolf)
    We might describe someone who commands such presence as ‘a big fish’.
  • Avoir une faim de loup
    (literally: to be as hungry as a wolf)
    In English, we also reference animals to express the size of our appetite, by exclaiming “I could eat a horse!”.
  • Se jeter dans la gueule du loup
    (literally: to plunge into the wolf’s mouth)
    In English, it’s a bit more exotic: to walk into the lion’s den
  • S’approcher à pas de loup
    (literally: to approach with wolves’ paws)
    In English, we say: to be ‘as quiet as a mouse’ on approach

Fly on the wall…

There are many French expressions that reference flies, not all of which have animal-based equivalents in English:

  • Prendre la mouche
    (literally: take the fly)
    A comparable English expression is taken from the bull-fighting arena: to see red.
  • Quelle mouche t’a piqué ?
    (literally: which fly stung you?)
    A similar English expression also comes from the insect kingdom: What’s bugging you?
  • On n’attrape pas les mouches avec du vinaigre
    (literally: you can’t catch flies with vinegar.)
    In English, we have a saying from Shakespeare: to kill them with kindness.
  • Faire mouche
    (literally: make flies)
    In English, we say someone has hit the bull’s eye – an expression borrowed from archery.

Let the cat out of the bag!

As in English, cats are proverbially popular in French – though not always translatable:

  • Il n’y a pas un chat
    (literally: there is not a cat around)
    This simply means there’s not a soul to be seen anywhere.
  • Il n’y a pas de quoi fouetter un chat
    (literally: there’s no need to whip cats over it.)
    In English, we might brush off a situation with reference to another household pet, saying let sleeping dogs lie.
  • Appeler un chat un chat
    (literally: to call a cat a cat)
    In English, we call a spade a spade.
  • Donner sa langue au chat
    (literally: to give your tongue to the cat)
    Though we have a similar-sounding phrase in ‘the cat has got your tongue’, this actually means something different – namely to give up guessing.

Who rules the roost?

The cockerel is widely considered emblematic of France, and so it comes as no surprise that their expressions also focus on this feathered friend.

  • Passer du coq à l’âne
    (literally: to go from hen to donkey)
    This means to change the subject abruptly.
  • Il devient rouge comme un coq
    (literally: he turned as red as a cockerel.)
    This describes the shade someone’s face might turn if they have egg on their face.
  • Vivre comme un coq en pâte
    (literally: to live like a cockerel in pastry)
    In English, we turn to a different creature for the expression: like the cat who got the cream.


Language is as diverse as the animal kingdom itself, and different imagery in idioms from different countries and cultures awaken completely different associations, as these illustrative examples clearly demonstrate. Despite our shared history, similar cultures and only a narrow stretch of water between us, French and English language are wildly different. This can result in misunderstandings, comical or even sticky situations. In our day-to-day lives, both at home and at work, our perception of the world determines whether we build bridges or burn bridges with our counterparts.

If you’re looking for perceptive translations that are targeted to your market, STAR combines high specialist expertise and intercultural awareness with many years of experience in the industry. You receive reliable quality in the language and the tone that you and your customers understand. We can help you – simply get in touch.

Process automation at Endress+Hauser – 10 years of efficiency with STAR

Posted on: December 12th, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

Around ten years ago, Endress+Hauser took the decision to automate their translation processes – with the help of STAR CLM, the process automation solution from STAR. Taking data from the technical documentation as a starting point, more and more workflows have been added since – for more and more specific types of information.

1,000,000 language jobs processed automatically in 30 languages

In total to date, more than 1,000,000 jobs have been processed in up to 30 target languages.
“Without STAR CLM, we could not have kept up with the translation volumes in the face of the ever-growing wealth of information to be translated,” explains Thomas Ziesing, Technical Content & Translation Process Manager at Endress+Hauser.

STAR CLM covers a wide range of topics and offers MT integration

Texts being automatically processed span subject areas from knowledge-base articles using the raw MT process to software texts with length restrictions, not to mention full technical documentation and even marketing content including in-country review.

In recognition of this achievement of “10 years of process automation with STAR CLM”, we presented Mr Ziesing with a trophy at the 2023 tekom annual conference.

Read our new case study to discover how using STAR MT technology in the service department helped Endress+Hauser to overcome linguistic obstacles and produce synergy effects.