Archive for the ‘Company’ Category

tekom annual conference 2024

Posted on: September 30th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

We offer you a warm welcome!

It’s that time again.
Europe’s largest conference for technical communication, tekom, will take place in Stuttgart from 5th to 7th November.

Visit us in hall C2 at stand 2D13 and find out more about our language services, enterprise technologies and all the latest developments.

Your free ticket to the tekom trade fair

We would like to invite you to the tekom annual conference. Simply fill out this form and we will send you your personal trade fair code with which you can register straight away.

Please note:
The trade fair code is only valid for visiting the trade fair. The trade fair ticket is not valid for attending the conference.

We look forward to welcoming you to the tekom events in October/November 2024.


STAR presentations at tekom (in German)

KI im Content-Recycling: Effizienz und Anpassungsfähigkeit (AI in content recycling: Efficiency and adaptability)

In the world of component content management, artificial intelligence can make a difference. Hilti, in collaboration with STAR and Amazon Web Services, has analysed Amazon’s Claude 3 model. This presentation shows how AI can improve the reuse of content and automatically adapt fragments. Discover the practical results and the possibilities for future Authoring Memories.

In this presentation, you will learn how you can use AI to increase reuse when creating technical documentation and thus save time and money.

Dominik Faupel (Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH)
Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)
Monday, 28th October, 10:50–11:30 a.m., Online, Technology Days



Sehen und Verstehen: Visuelle Vermittlung von Produktwissen (Seeing and understanding: Visual communication of product knowledge)

Visual communication characterises our everyday lives through platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Studies show that employees can perform tasks better with visual communication, work faster and make fewer mistakes. In addition, visual content is better remembered than text. New approaches such as immersive training with 3D models and animations as well as visual remote support are gaining in importance and will be introduced in the presentation with short examples. These methods offer advantages such as location-independent learning and support, faster adaptability and cost efficiency. Visual product knowledge simplifies work preparation and execution, reduces errors and enables global support. An application example illustrates how virtual reality training is used by a European company to train technicians worldwide. Finally, it is shown how visualisations can be created synchronously with editorial content creation in the authoring environment.

Theresa Sibich (Renk Group)
Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)

Tuesday, 5th November, 9–9.45 a.m., Plenum 2



LLMs und der Weg zur konsistenten Übersetzung (LLMs and the path to consistent translation)

Language models (LLMs) offer users of language technology solutions a wide range of optimisation options. In the presentation, we will demonstrate integration options using specific examples focussing on terminology and quality assurance.

Julian Hamm (STAR Deutschland GmbH)
Tuesday, 5th November, 3 p.m., room C10.3



Bessere Benutzererfahrung und mehr Produktivität durch semantische Produktinformationen (Better user experience and more productivity through semantic product information)

Get to know the powerful semantic component content management of GRIPS and how it tailors content precisely to user requirements and product variations.

Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)
Wednesday, 6th November, 3 p.m., room C10.2



Einfach bessere Texte mit STAR GRIPS und Congree UCC (Simply better texts with STAR GRIPS and Congree UCC)

STAR and Congree present the new STAR GRIPS interface: Discover how Congree’s functions ensure text quality in real time and make your text generation more efficient using cutting-edge AI technology.

Torsten Machert (Congree)
Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)

Thursday, 7th November, 10 a.m., room C10.1



So erhalten Sie schnell Anschluss! Eine CLM-Plattform, viele Interface-Möglichkeiten: Beispiel COTI (Get connected quickly! One CLM platform, multiple interface options: Example using COTI)

STAR Corporate Language Management enables the rapid automation of workflows with the Interface Creator: We use the example of COTI

  • Define workflow parameters easily: Translation, customer review, or more?
  • Create in/out folder
  • And start the workflow!

Birgit Maria Hoppe (STAR Group)
Thursday, 7th November, 11 a.m., room C10.2



Lots of information about our services and software products awaits you at our stand.

We hope to see you there!


Our ISMS passed the surveillance audit in accordance with ISO 27001

Posted on: July 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

We are pleased to announce that we have passed the ISO 27001 surveillance audit for our information security management system without any discrepancies! What does this mean? It means that accredited certification body “PÜG Prüf- und Überwachungsgesellschaft mbH” has once again verified that our management system conforms with the requirements of the ISO standard and has confirmed the quality of the measures we have taken.

Data security is our top priority – we have the risks firmly under control

In today’s world, where information is of such immense value, it is vital that sensitive data is protected. It is our responsibility to protect the information that our customers entrust us with. Situations in which there is a threat to erase or misuse data can, in extreme cases, endanger the economic success of a company and its clients.

Our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, extensive technical measures and regular awareness training sessions on information security guarantee that customer data is suitably protected at all times – from the moment it is transmitted to us until the moment the translations are delivered. We have identified the risks and routinely consider all security requirements in our day-to-day project work.

Our working relationship with our customers often sees us processing sensitive data, such as financial information or documents containing personal data. We assign this kind of information to a corresponding protection requirement class, which then determines which protective measures are applied for subsequent processing. For instance, certain encryption procedures may be used for data exchange, access to the data may be severely restricted to a limited group of people, or the translation may even be carried out in an encapsulated, secure IT environment to which only the translator and the project manager have access. There are many ways in which we can adapt to your specific data protection requirements – we will be happy to advise you in detail.

STAR Deutschland GmbH ISMS infographic.

What is the standard ISO 27001 for?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard that defines the requirements for introducing, operating and developing an information security management system. It specifies that certified companies must apply the ISMS principles of confidentiality, availability and integrity by means of technical and organisational measures to ensure that data is adequately protected and the availability of IT systems is guaranteed.


To see our certificate as a PDF, click the link below.
Download ISMS certificate

More information about our quality management system
Quality & information security


STAR at the EAMT Conference

Posted on: June 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

From 24th to 27th June 2024, the University of Sheffield in the UK will open its doors and welcome guests to the 25th EAMT Conference for a four-day event featuring a varied programme of lectures, panel discussions and workshops exploring fascinating topics such as language technologies, machine translation and artificial intelligence.

As a long-standing sponsor of the event, STAR Group will be on site with Judith Klein, Marek Sabo and Giorgio Bernardinello.

Don’t miss the inspiring presentation on “Boosting machine translation with AI-powered terminology features”.

More information

Top language service provider STAR Group – Top spot in the DACH region

Posted on: May 7th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

According to the recently published 2024 Slator and Nimdzi indices, the STAR Group is one of the top 25 language service providers in the world. In the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), STAR takes the top spot in terms of audited turnover!

STAR honoured as a “Super Agency”

The “Super Agency” award recognises STAR’s comprehensive range of language solutions and translation services. The STAR Group’s independence and its turnover of more than USD 200 million are also criteria for this important categorisation.

Slator and Nimdzi Rankings essential for top language service providers

The #Slator and #Nimdzi indices list the most important companies in the language industry around the world in the fields of translation, localisation, interpreting and language technology.

The STAR Group sets itself apart thanks to its successful business model, excellent customer relationships and unrivalled expertise – all of which is recognised in this magnificent ranking.

With two branches in Germany and over 100 employees, STAR Deutschland is a unique partner for your corporate communications.


Are you looking for a top language service provider to partner with you on your translation projects?
If so, please get in touch – we’re here to support you.

Invitation to the SEO webinar “SEO with AI? – Content is King!”

Posted on: April 18th, 2024 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

The perfect balance for better global reach

Multilingualism and SEO go hand in hand – when a professional is at the helm. STAR Deutschland and our colleagues from netzgefährten online marketing agency would like to invite you on a journey through the world of SEO.

Interplay between SEO and multilingualism; between AI and humans

Explore keyword and content creation strategies and learn where AI can help you. Discover the globally successful interplay between SEO and translation – between AI and humans.

Free webinar for in-depth SEO knowledge

This webinar is aimed at employees and creatives in marketing & communication, product management and sales who want to gain detailed SEO knowledge on topics such as keyword research and analysis and content creation. Join in for free!

Date: 23rd April 2024, 3 pm–4 pm CET

We’ll send you a webinar link shortly before we go live.
Register today:

We hope to see you there!  

Process automation at Endress+Hauser – 10 years of efficiency with STAR

Posted on: December 12th, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

Around ten years ago, Endress+Hauser took the decision to automate their translation processes – with the help of STAR CLM, the process automation solution from STAR. Taking data from the technical documentation as a starting point, more and more workflows have been added since – for more and more specific types of information.

1,000,000 language jobs processed automatically in 30 languages

In total to date, more than 1,000,000 jobs have been processed in up to 30 target languages.
“Without STAR CLM, we could not have kept up with the translation volumes in the face of the ever-growing wealth of information to be translated,” explains Thomas Ziesing, Technical Content & Translation Process Manager at Endress+Hauser.

STAR CLM covers a wide range of topics and offers MT integration

Texts being automatically processed span subject areas from knowledge-base articles using the raw MT process to software texts with length restrictions, not to mention full technical documentation and even marketing content including in-country review.

In recognition of this achievement of “10 years of process automation with STAR CLM”, we presented Mr Ziesing with a trophy at the 2023 tekom annual conference.

Read our new case study to discover how using STAR MT technology in the service department helped Endress+Hauser to overcome linguistic obstacles and produce synergy effects.

CLAAS and STAR celebrate a milestone anniversary

Posted on: November 28th, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

How time flies… the Harsewinkel-based agricultural machinery manufacturer CLAAS has been relying on the STAR Group’s translation expertise and software solutions since 2003, with STAR handling up to 37 languages for CLAAS at any one time. The anniversary was celebrated at STAR’s stand at this year’s tekom annual conference, and the official STAR trophy was presented in recognition of this excellent and long-standing business relationship.

An intimate party continued in the evening, with the six attendees enjoying a meal together at a local restaurant. Three of these attendees have been working together since the very first day of this fruitful relationship, meaning that there was 20 years’ worth of stories to share, and collective memories to recall. We look forward to many more years of excellent and successful cooperation in the future.

Find out how STAR’s team of project management experts made a significant contribution to the consistency and continuity of translation quality at CLAAS in our case study

Outlooks at tekom, AMTA and AsLing 2023

Posted on: November 7th, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

The future of AI in language technology

Now we know what you’re thinking: Not another article about ChatGPT… Social media is already full of experience reports, and words of praise as well as criticism. And the initial hype has long since died down. Is STAR not a little late to the party here? In short, the answer is no – because we’ve been partying along with everyone else the whole time! 2023 is coming to an end and over the last few months we have been taking an in-depth look at the question of what place large language models (LLMs) should have in today’s language service industry. In June 2023, we reported on the EAMT conference in Tampere and took a little look at the future of this topic.

AI – Friend or foe? The moderate and sustainable use of modern AI technology in the translation process

The most important question we are currently trying to answer is how we can integrate modern AI technology into the current translation process in moderation, intelligently and sustainably. As a result of the technologisation of translation work, the job description of language experts has also changed over the past few decades From the introduction of CAT tools to the development of MT systems, and right through to the continually growing popularity of LLMs, translators have already been able to experience a technological leap in one way or another. You can read about everything that has happened over the past 35 years in the interview with our experienced STAR translator Fabienne Chapron.

AI – with the right know-how. Contributing to the improvement processes and overall quality

As has already been asked with the advent of the technologically-related NMT systems: Have we now finally found the Holy Grail? The uncomfortable answer to this admittedly not entirely simple question is that it depends entirely on how we use the technology and what we do with it in the future. Will LLMs replace the already established NMT models entirely and make the work of language experts superfluous? It’s unlikely. But can the modular integration of these technologies in modern CAT tools contribute to the improvement of processes and overall quality? We think so, yes! In the areas of terminology extraction, keyword searches and quality assurance, we can see great potential for reducing manual workloads and increasing the granularity of QA tools.

AI – The topic of industry events in 2023

The AMTA 2023 virtual conference, the tekom annual conference in Stuttgart and the AsLing TC45 conference in Luxembourg are three key events taking place in November at which the future of AI and machine translation and their importance for language services will be a hot topic of discussion. We think this is extremely important in view of the error rates of the systems, data protection, raising awareness amongst users and ethical responsibility.

Are you just as keen to find out more about this topic as us? Then get on and book your ticket for the tekom annual conference now. You can visit the exhibition free of charge! To do so, simply drop us an e-mail and we will send you the exhibition code you need to register straight away.

Amongst other things, you can look forward to the talk by our MT expert Julian Hamm on current topics and challenges relating to CAT tool development and the use of AI technologies as part of Augmented Translation.

What might the technology look like in 10 years’ time

As an experiment, we asked ChatGPT directly for a self-assessment:

ChatGPT message

Is it all just hype? What do you think about the future of AI technologies?
We are keen to find out your experiences and we can help you – simply get in touch.

tekom annual conference 2023 in Stuttgart

Posted on: October 26th, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle No Comments

Visit us at the tekom annual conference in Stuttgart!

Find us on stand 2D38 in Hall C2 from 14th to 16th November. There, you’ll find out more about our language services, enterprise technologies and all the latest developments.

You can visit the exhibition free of charge! To do so, simply drop us an e-mail and we will send you the exhibition code you need to register straight away. If you want to meet to discuss something in particular, we are also available beforehand to book an appointment for you. As with every year, there are some fascinating presentations and workshops lined up:

So erstellen Sie technische Dokumentation in Rekordzeit
(How to produce technical documentation in record time)


  • Dominik Faupel (Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH)
  • Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)


Reusing content saves time, money and effort. Component Content Management solutions facilitate reuse at a topic/sentence level. STAR GRIPS also features structure assistants for the reuse of complex semantic content structures. Hilti utilises this to generate operating manuals in just one or two hours. This talk will look at their approach to content, explained with a practical example.

When? As part of Technology Days – Monday 6th November, 9.10 a.m.– 9.50 a.m.

Semantische Produktinformationen – der Schlüssel zur digitalen Prozessunterstützung
(Semantic product information – the key to digital process support)


  • Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)


Find out how semantic single sourcing with GRIPS opens the doors to personalised digital process support.

Where and when? Tuesday, 14th November, 2 p.m., room C10.2

Alles im Griff: Wie steuere ich Projekte in der Content Factory
(Everything under control: How do I manage projects in the Content Factory)


  • Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)


With GRIPS project management, you can automate routine tasks, keep an overview and save time and money. Get to grips with GRIPS using a real example.

Wednesday, 15th November, 10 a.m., room C10.2

Augmented Translation – CAT-Tool-Entwicklung in Zeiten von MT und LLMs
(Augmented Translation – CAT tool development at STAR in the age of MT and LLMs)


  • Julian Hamm (STAR Deutschland)
  • Judith Klein (STAR Group)


We will be showing what opportunities MT and LLMs present when it comes to quality assurance, terminology work and other functions across the entire translation process, as well as providing insight into the challenges of developing STAR Transit NXT in the context of Augmented Translation.

Wednesday, 15th November, 11.30 a.m., room C10.2

Customer Interaction über das Projekt hinaus: von In-Country Review bis Quality & Risk Management
(Customer Interaction beyond the project: From in-country review to quality & risk management)


  • Birgit Maria Hoppe (STAR Deutschland)


STAR CLM, the platform for Corporate Language Management, provides the best possible support for quality management through maximum customer integration. Discover how easy in-country reviews can be using CLM WebEdit alongside intuitive application of all relevant CAT features. The new Quality & Risk Management Module (QRM) also enables you to evaluate completed projects not only in communication with all stakeholders but also to define and track quality measures.

Wednesday, 15th November, 3 p.m., room C10.2

Die Content-Factory: Rezepte entwickeln für digitalen Mehrwert
(The Content Factory: Developing recipes for added digital value)


  • Roland Schmeling (Schmeling + Consultants GmbH)
  • Dr. Matthias Gutknecht (STAR Group)


Digital applications and services relating to complex products require a high standard of information quality: These need to be structured, standardised, highly granular, free of redundancies and semantically linked. For this standard to be achieved, the technical editing must have the right infrastructure and process maturity. What exactly are the requirements of data models, systems, interfaces, processes, roles and skills? Which recipes are worthwhile and when do they start overshooting? Using an application example for digitalisation, we will together derive the specific requirements of the processes and data. In turn, these requirements provide sound justification for the necessary investment.

Thursday, 16th November, 11.30 a.m.–1.15 p.m., room C9.3


See you there!


For appointment booking and/or a trade fair code, please send us a short e-mail.

The changing face of the translation profession

Posted on: October 23rd, 2023 by Frank Wöhrle

A report based on 35 years of experience

Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz bestimmen immer mehr Branchen nachhaltig. In this context, and with the development of machine translation (MT), the translation profession has also changed significantly.

Let’s take a look at the past and future of the translation profession in an interview with Fabienne Chapron.

Thick specialist books, dictionaries and copious reference works

“When I started my career as a translator 35 years ago, translation and the research associated with it were tedious and time-consuming. Slow PCs, massive screens, an operating system called MS-DOS and floppy disks were part of everyday life back then.

With globalisation, the volume of translation from our international customers grew rapidly over time. The variety of topics and the complexity of the content also increased significantly. The development of the translation profession continues to be extremely dynamic. Nowadays, information is changing virtually on a daily basis, both in the source and target languages.”

Optimum interaction between man and machine

“As a translator, I have been working with technology on a daily basis for a long time now – CAT tools help us with every new job. Thanks to digitalisation and, above all, using workflow automation, workflows are becoming more transparent and far easier and quicker to manage. I can get all the numerous small administrative tasks done much quicker and concentrate on my actual work – translation. Interfaces to CMS and PIM systems, or to online portals for in-country review, all speed up the translation process: Language technology helps us to reduce both the time and effort to process a job.

At the end of my career, I am now routinely working with machine translation. Through webinars and other further training courses, I have been able to add post-editing to my areas of expertise, a skill which is increasingly important in the translation profession. Machine translation achieves good results for properly formulated texts such as press releases and marketing texts. For technical texts, customer terminology is top priority; here it’s all about populating the engines with customer terminology before automation. In these cases, machine translation is part of the translation workflow in which I always have the final say in the post-editing stage.

With SEO-optimised translations, I can help my customers to gain better visibility in the global universe of search engines. This is another skill I have acquired. When I finished my degree in 1986, I never could have imagined how dynamically my way of working would change. Not only have my own standards been raised, but also those of my customers: Many companies now provide a style guide which stipulates the use of relevant stylistic elements and is updated on a regular basis.”

Translation: Anyone can do it online, can’t they?

“Translating involves much more than a translation tool. Professional translation is not just a word-for-word rendering from one language to another. Even if technology has made huge progress, it cannot replace a human translator because only they have the skills to carry out subject-specific, specialist research and to find the right tone and style. Translators who have specialist knowledge in a specific sector have crystal clear benefits compared with machines: The more specialised the vocabulary is, the harder it is for machine translation to hit the right note.”

Picture Fabienne Fabienne Chapron
Translation Team Leader
Master of Arts in German and Romance Studies, University of Heidelberg
Translator for 35 years
Language direction: German-French
Specialisms: Automotive, machinery and plant engineering, agricultural engineering


Stellar service from STAR

Do you want top quality translations that are managed efficiently?
STAR combines outstanding specialist expertise and many years of experience in the industry with intelligent automation.
You receive reliable quality in the language and the tone that your customers understand.

Do you need professional specialist translation?
Our global network of native language experts specialises in your industry – working efficiently and producing top quality.
We can help you – simply get in touch.