14 Apr 2022

Successful recertification to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard

We are pleased to announce that we were successful in our surveillance audit, conducted on 31 March and 1 April 2022 by two auditors from PÜG Prüf und Überwachungsgesellschaft mbH.

The new certificate confirms that our quality management system complies with all necessary requirements and plays an integral role in the everyday running of our business.

Certified ISO 9001:2015 for 15 years: Many years of continual improvements to our internal quality management processes have helped us to pass this audit without any exceptions.

This gives our customers the assurance that they can trust in the quality management system that underpins our business and our standards:

  • Our quality management system works to ensure that project management, IT, DTP and internal translators all follow the same unified processes.
  • Suppliers are chosen in accordance with a strictly defined process that complies with the standards set out in ISO 17100.
  • Employee qualifications and continuing professional development also fall within the scope of our quality management system: Regular internal training courses are offered and completed.
  • Our customers value our expertise and the close collaboration that they have with STAR Deutschland. Regular surveys have confirmed this, which spurs us on to deliver further service improvements.

We would like to thank all our employees for their support in reaching this goal and we are proud of what we have achieved together.

7 Dec 2023

Just a few days before the 2023 edition of the annual tekom conference, STAR Deutschland GmbH succeeded once again in earning the seal of approval of its independent certification partner LinquaCert in the surveillance audit for ISO 18587:2017 “Post-editing of machine translation output”, confirming the continued high quality and transparency of the company’s translation processes!

15 Apr 2023

Be honest: Is your company Fort Knox when it comes to security against external attacks? Or might there be a hole in your defences somewhere? This article shines a light on why you should keep IT security in mind when you are choosing your language service provider.

23 Nov 2022

As part of our main audit in October, we were able to demonstrate our expertise in machine translation (MT) to our certification partner LinquaCert; expertise that we have built over more than 15 years.

2 Feb 2022

As a customer, you expect only the very best quality from your suppliers.
Providing high-quality translations can prove problematic for many service providers.

How can quality be guaranteed through translation management?
How can quality issues be rectified in the long term?

Find out more in this interview with Dr. Glenda O., our Quality Management Officer.

15 Jul 2021

This proves that information security is a top priority within our organisation.

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